The following is a small selection of my principal works,
all made under pseudonyms for security reasons.
Horst Schweinhalz: "Disfigured child with notch in
skull", 1949, oil on canvas. Oberknödel Kunstmuseum, Essen.
59 Kb.
Abraham Aaron Goldstone: "My own little laxative",
1921, oil on canvas. Boise Museum of Modern Art, USA. 80 Kb.
Jean-Yves Pah: "The uncle from 3rd Arrondissement",
1898, oil on wood. Musée Saint Gaston, Limoges. 117 Kb.
Antonio Isabella Pollione: "Stark raving mad Roman
patrician", 1962, watercolour. Vatican museum. 50 Kb.
Sergei Iaskomov: "Cousin Tatiana from Pereiaslav-Khmelnitskij",
1987, oil on canvas. Museum 48, Verkhojansk. 40 Kb.
Ignatius Askleif Christoffersen: "The dream of Tønder",
1904, oil on canvas. Amalienborg Castle, Copenhagen. 80 Kb.
You are welcome to copy the paintings for personal use,
provided they are redistributed unchanged, and are not put on other
web-pages without a specification of their author and origins.